Jan 21, 2025

100 Easy Anagrams

 Definition of an Anagram:

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once.



For example:

  • ListenSilent
  • SaveVase

    100 Easy Anagrams

     1.   Act → Cat

    2.   Eat → Tea

    3.   Top → Pot

    4.   Lap → Pal

    5.   Dog → God

    6.   Star → Rats

    7.   Part → Trap

    8.   Stop → Pots

    9.   Dart → Trad

    10. Dust → Stud

    11.  Flow → Wolf

    12. Grab → Brag

    13. Lamp → Palm

    14. Team → Meat

    15. Post → Spot

    16. Care → Race

    17.  File → Life

    18. Time → Item

    19. Note → Tone

    20. Pool → Loop

    21.  Arc → Car

    22.  Sale → Seal

    23.  Seat → Eats

    24.  Name → Mean

    25.  Draw → Ward

    26. Race → Acre

    27.  Lead → Deal

    28.  Lime → Mile

    29.  Ring → Grin

    30.  Save → Vase

    31.   Deer → Reed

    32.  Read → Dare

    33.  Same → Mesa

    34.  Seat → Teas

    35.  Pear → Reap

    36. Town → Wont

    37.  Coin → Icon

    38. Sing → Sign

    39. Seal → Lase

    40. Stop → Tops

    41. Earn → Near

    42. Leap → Pale

    43. Tear → Rate

    44. Meet → Mete

    45. Door → Odor

    46. Bat → Tab

    47.  Rest → Erst

    48. Fist → Fits

    49. Aged → Egad

    50. Dusty → Study

    51.  Pots → Stop

    52. Oven → None

    53.  Sour → Ours

    54.  Silent → Listen

    55.  Earn → Near

    56.  Rail → Liar

    57.  Thing → Night

    58.  Tame → Meat

    59.  Earth → Heart

    60.  Arm → Ram

    61.  Rat → Art

    62.  Form → From

    63.  Race → Care

    64.  Stop → Post

    65.  Lead → Lade

    66.  Rope → Pore

    67.  Port → Trop

    68.  Salt → Last

    69.  Tone → Note

    70.  Saw → Was

    71.  Ten → Net

    72.  Ear → Are

    73.  File → Life

    74.  Lamb → Blam

    75.  Wash → Haws

    76.  Time → Mite

    77.  who → how 

    78.  nap → pan 

    79.  slip → lips 

    80.  won → now 

    81.  café → face 

    82.  care → race 

    83.  blow → bowl 

    84.  shrub → brush 

    85.  skill → kills 

    86.  snail → nails 

    87.  diary → dairy 

    88.  ocean  → canoe 

    89.  fired → fried 

    90.  parks → spark 

    91.  stick → ticks 

    92.  inch → chin 

    93.  keen → knee 

    94.  votes → stove 

    95.  waits → waist 

    96.  room → moor 

    97.  wells → swell

    98.  slate → stale

    99.  angel → angle

    100. begin → being 

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