English conversation for beginners 50
Hi there! How's it going?
Boy: Hello! I'm
good. What about you?
Girl: I'm great, thanks! By the way, I'm Emily.
Boy: Nice to meet
you, Emily. I'm Alex.
So, Alex, where are you from?
Boy: I'm from
Brazil. What about you, Emily?
Girl: I'm from the United States. Specifically, from Texas.
Boy: That's cool.
I've always wanted to visit Texas.
You should! It's a beautiful place with friendly people.
Boy: I hope I can
visit someday. So, Emily, do you speak English fluently?
Girl: Yes, I do. English is my native language.
Boy: That's
impressive. I wish I could speak like you.
Don't worry, Alex. Practice makes perfect.
Boy: Yeah, but I
struggle with English grammar.
Girl: No problem! I can help you with that.
Boy: Really? That
would be amazing!
Of course! Let's start with some basic conversations.
Boy: Sounds good
to me, Emily. Thank you!
Girl: You're welcome, Alex. Let's begin with greetings.
Boy: Okay. How do
I greet someone in English?
You can say "Hi" or "Hello" to start.
Boy: Got it. Hi!
How are you doing?
Girl: Perfect! I'm doing well, thank you.
Boy: That's great
to hear, Emily. What's next?
Next, we introduce ourselves. Say, "My name is Alex."
Boy: My name is
Alex. Nice to meet you, Emily.
Girl: Nice to meet you too, Alex. Now it's my turn.
Boy: What's your
full name, Emily?
My full name is Emily Johnson.
Boy: Johnson, got
it. Emily Johnson, from Texas.
Girl: Exactly! Now, where are you from, Alex?
Boy: I'm from
Brazil, Emily. São Paulo, to be precise.
São Paulo, that's interesting. What do you do there?
Boy: I'm a
student studying computer science.
Girl: That sounds like an exciting field. What about hobbies?
Boy: I enjoy
playing soccer and reading books.
Cool! I love reading too. What kind of books?
Boy: Mostly
science fiction and fantasy novels.
Girl: Nice choice! Do you have a favorite author?
Boy: J.K.
Rowling, the author of Harry Potter series.
Ah, Harry Potter! Classic choice, Alex.
Boy: Yeah, it's a
timeless series. What about you, Emily?
Girl: I enjoy mystery novels, like Agatha Christie's works.
Boy: Agatha
Christie, the queen of mysteries!
Exactly! Her stories are always intriguing.
Boy: I'll have to
check them out sometime.
Girl: Definitely! Reading is a great way to improve English.
Boy: Yeah, I
agree. Thanks for the recommendation, Emily.
Boy: So, Emily, do you enjoy sports?
Girl: Yes, I love playing tennis. Do you play?
Boy: Not tennis,
but I enjoy soccer a lot.
Girl: Soccer is fun! Do you play it often?
Boy: Yes, I play
every weekend with my friends.
That sounds like a great way to stay active.
Boy: Absolutely!
What do you do to stay active?
Girl: I go jogging every morning. It energizes me.
Boy: Morning jogs
sound refreshing. How long do you jog?
Girl: Usually for about 30 minutes.
Boy: That’s impressive! Do you listen to music while jogging?
Girl: Yes, I do. Music makes it more enjoyable.
Boy: What kind of
music do you like?
Girl: I like pop music and soft rock.
Boy: Nice! Do you have a favorite artist or band?
Girl: I love Taylor Swift and Coldplay.
Boy: Great
choices! Do you ever go to concerts?
Girl: Yes, I’ve attended a few. They’re so much fun.
Boy: I’ve never been to a concert. Are they crowded?
Girl: Yes, but the energy is amazing! You should try it.
Boy: I will
someday. So, Emily, what’s your favorite food?
Girl: I love pizza and pasta. What about you?
Boy: I enjoy Brazilian barbecue. It’s delicious!
Girl: That sounds tasty. What’s special about it?
Boy: It’s cooked
slowly and seasoned perfectly.
Girl: I’d love to try it someday.
Boy: You should! Do you like trying international cuisines?
Girl: Yes, I enjoy exploring different flavors and dishes.
Boy: That’s
awesome. Have you ever tried Brazilian food?
Girl: Not yet, but it’s on my list!
Boy: When you visit Brazil, I’ll show you the best spots.
Girl: That’s so kind of you. Thanks, Alex!
Boy: You’re
welcome, Emily. By the way, do you cook?
Girl: Sometimes, but I’m not very good at it.
Boy: No worries. Cooking is something you can always learn.
Girl: True! Do you cook, Alex?
Boy: Yes, I enjoy
cooking. It’s quite relaxing.
Girl: That’s great! What’s your signature dish?
Boy: I make a delicious spaghetti with homemade sauce.
Girl: Wow, that sounds amazing! Do you share the recipe?
Boy: Of course!
I’ll write it down for you.
Girl: I’d love that. Thanks, Alex.
Boy: Anytime! By the way, do you like traveling?
Girl: Yes, I
absolutely love exploring new places.
Boy: Same here!
What’s the best place you’ve visited?
Girl: I’d say Paris. It’s so beautiful and vibrant.
Boy: Paris is on my bucket list. Any travel tips?
Girl: Take your time to explore and try local food.
Boy: Good advice.
What’s your next travel destination?
Girl: I’m planning to visit Japan next year.
Boy: That’s exciting! Japan has such a rich culture.
Girl: I know! I’m excited to try sushi there.
Boy: Sushi in
Japan will be an authentic experience.
Girl: Absolutely. Have you ever traveled outside Brazil?
Boy: Not yet, but I’d love to travel someday.
Girl: You should! Traveling broadens your perspective on life.
Boy: That’s true.
Where else have you traveled, Emily?
Girl: I’ve been to Italy, Spain, and Canada.
Boy: Wow, you’ve traveled a lot. Which was your favorite?
Girl: Each place
was unique, but Italy’s food was unbeatable.
Boy: I’ve heard
Italian food is incredible. Did you visit Rome?
Girl: Yes, and the Colosseum was breathtaking.
Alex, do you like reading books?
Boy: Yes, I enjoy
reading in my free time.
Girl: What’s your favorite genre?
Boy: I like
mystery and science fiction.
Great choices! Who’s your favorite author?
Boy: I’d say
Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is brilliant.
Girl: Absolutely! Have you read all the Sherlock Holmes stories?
Boy: Not all, but
I’m working on it.
That’s awesome. Do you also watch movies?
Boy: Yes, I love
watching movies. What about you?
Girl: Me too! What’s your favorite movie genre?
Boy: I enjoy
action and adventure films.
Same here! Have you watched any good ones recently?
Boy: Yes, I
recently watched “Avengers: Endgame.” It was epic.
Girl: I loved that movie! The ending was emotional.
Boy: Totally! Do
you like superhero movies in general?
Yes, they’re always so entertaining. Do you have a favorite?
Boy: Spider-Man
is my all-time favorite superhero.
Girl: Spider-Man is great! Do you prefer the older movies?
Boy: I enjoy both
the old and the new ones.
Do you ever watch TV series?
Boy: Yes, I enjoy
binge-watching on weekends.
Girl: Same! What’s your favorite series?
Boy: I’d say
“Stranger Things.” Have you watched it?
Yes, it’s one of my favorites too!
Boy: The
storyline and characters are amazing. Who’s your favorite?
Girl: Eleven, of course! She’s such a strong character.
Boy: Absolutely.
The new season was thrilling, wasn’t it?
Totally! Do you watch documentaries too?
Boy: Sometimes. I
enjoy nature documentaries the most.
Girl: Nature documentaries are so calming and educational.
Boy: Agreed! Do
you have a favorite one?
I loved “Our Planet.” It was visually stunning.
Boy: I’ve heard
about it. I’ll watch it soon.
Girl: You should! It’s narrated beautifully by David Attenborough.
Boy: That makes
it even better. Thanks for the suggestion!
You’re welcome! Do you listen to podcasts, Alex?
Boy: Yes, I
listen to tech and motivational podcasts.
Girl: That’s interesting. Do you have a favorite podcast?
Boy: “The Daily
Stoic” is one I really enjoy.
I’ve heard of it. Is it about philosophy?
Boy: Yes, it
shares Stoic principles for modern life.
Girl: That sounds inspiring. I’ll check it out.
Boy: You should.
Do you listen to any podcasts?
Yes, I enjoy true crime and lifestyle podcasts.
Boy: True crime
podcasts are so gripping. Any recommendations?
Girl: “Crime Junkie” is one of my favorites.
Boy: Thanks! I’ll
give it a listen sometime.
You’ll enjoy it if you like suspenseful stories.
Boy: I do. By the
way, do you play video games?
Girl: Occasionally. I’m not a pro, but I enjoy them.
Boy: Same here!
What’s your favorite game?
I love playing “Mario Kart” with friends.
Boy: Classic
choice! It’s so much fun with friends.
Girl: Totally! What about you? Do you have a favorite?
Boy: I like
“FIFA.” It’s great for quick matches.
I’ve heard FIFA is addictive. Do you play online?
Boy: Yes, I play
with friends online.
Girl: That’s cool! Do you compete in tournaments?
Boy: Not yet, but
I’d love to someday.
That sounds exciting. Do you have a gaming console?
Boy: Yes, I have
a PlayStation. What about you?
Girl: I just use my laptop for gaming.
Boy: That works
too. Do you play any PC games?
Girl: Yes, I enjoy “The Sims” sometimes.
Boy: Oh, that’s a
fun game! Do you build houses?
Girl: Yes, and I create detailed characters
Boy: That’s
awesome. The creativity in that game is endless.
Girl: This was a great chat, Alex.
Boy: Absolutely,
I enjoyed talking with you too.
Girl: Let’s catch up again soon!
Boy: For sure!
Take care, and stay awesome.
Girl: Thanks, you too! Bye, see you again.
Boy: Bye! See you
again soon. 😊
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